Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It is the first time in my life that I have followed a war from the beginning.
I have been reading the newspapers, scanning the net and have read practically everything I can find about the conflict between Hizbollah and Israel.

I always thought that war was an event that was somewhat planned, I thought there was an anouncement first. It never hit me that war is only pure stupidity.
Well unfortunately it is not just stupidity. The Israeli government is very scared of being tackled by the arab countries.

Do you think that Israeli government actually cares about the soldiers? Do you think they really hope to see them safe and sound because they are such sensitive, creative young men?

Monday, July 03, 2006

It`s ten o`clock in the morning.
I don`t know what to write about.
There is a little jack Russell terrier here. I am babysitting her. I want to take her out of her cage, it just seems so sad to be cooped up inside a box all day long.
But at the same time maybe she doesn`t want to be disturbed.

She is a honey. I would like to have her in my lap too but I don`t really know the dog. I think I might try to open the cage door so she isn`t locked inside.

She seems a little tired but she should be able to strech her legs. She just went back into her cage to sleep. Well now she at least has tha option of being inside or outside of that stupid cage.